Opinion: The Concurrent Suspension of Students Over Frivolities: Endangerment to Fundamental Humanity Right.

By Oludiran Olusola Abidemi

Suspension of students in University has never been a big deal in its real sense, this is because it is part of the functions and duties of the each institution to propel sanity in accordance to their rules and regulations which basically align with the constitution of the country. University management are to go against the illicit behaviors which their students may want to put up such as examination malpractices, cultism,  violence display and other anti societal engagements which may cause rancour to the society if permitted.

More so,  Universities are seen as where leaders of tomorrow are bred and reared,  it is seen as a training ground for the supposed  leaders of tomorrow, in fact some refer to university as the "home of the Universe" where highest knowledge is expected to be acquired for the growth of the country.

Unfortunately,  it is so sardonic that Nigerian Universities no longer have consciousness of the importance of   enhancing  confidence in their various students,  rather the pivotal role the main universities now play is to make their students puppets and underdogs who must always take any decision made by them hook line sinker.  What an irony!

Looking at the Statistics of the recent suspensions of students in the top universities in Nigeria,  it is apparent that the causal of them are laughable and
Perfectly describe how comedic the administrators are,  it also ridicules their educational notion which is meant to be highly respected.

According to the  report by the Premium times on November 3rd 2019, a student of Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta was gifted expulsion because of a face book post in which the suspended student condemned the harassment and conscientiousness of police officers to the students of the school. For the school who  wishes her students to be the defenders of truth to put it upon herself to support draconian and tyrannical treatments of  police at the expense of her students, there is a need to investigate the interest of the school management in the case.

Apart the instance given above,  quite numbers of students have been suspended from different universities because of other trivial matters which are also similar to the recent case of FUNAAB, some institutions have taken upon themselves to continue to keep their students shut down by turning their Studentship to cube of sugar which could be dissolved anytime.

There is no other way to describe this scenario going on in Nigeria Universities than to see them as the set of irresponsible people celebrating frivolities instead of facing the real issues their students are raising.


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