By Kehinde Babajide

_​“Better to illuminate than merely to shine to deliver to others contemplated truth than merely to contemplate.”_– Thomas Aquinas

Engaging in the same behaviour or activity for which one criticizes another. Hypocrisy can be described as dissimulation, pretence, or a sham. Hypocrisy is predominant part of our present day society as well as societies of the  past. It’s a kind of lie.

Hypocrisy scares people, but no matter how hard you try to not be one, you are. To hate hypocrites is to hate yourself, and you are weak. By existing on earth we are subject to our own hypocrisy.

Adults always teach the youth the right and the wrong. But when it comes to them to take decisions then they often choose the wrong one claiming it is best for all of us. In some ways we, youngsters are also hypocrites as we often tell lies to our parents to avoid getting grounded. For example we often lie to our parents about secret boyfriends, bad marks in assessments.

People especially youngsters who are affected by peer groups pretend to be what they wish to be but are not. They fake their identity, personality and feelings only to please or impress others even if they are not pleased with themselves.

Religious beliefs are where a large number of people find themselves declaring that they possess certain beliefs, but yet fail to live up to what attest to be true and right. Christianity which teaches that a Christian should exemplify in their lives the teaching of Christ and live their lives as Christ lived his. Yet many who claim to be Christians today cannot be bothered to help someone in need.

The Muslim theology teaches in the Quran that all who believe in God in the last day and do the right, they will be rewarded by God, no matter their religious affiliation. Yet in today’s society we see a widespread distortion of those beliefs. The Muslim extremists and terrorists groups claim to possess the beliefs contained in the Quran, but fail to live and practice the teachings in it.

Politicians professed to act for national good when all they care about is their personal wealth and glory. The people suffer the consequences of their irresponsible behaviours.The conscious use of a mask  to fool the public and gain political benefit.

In conclusion, there is not one person on Earth that can say he or she has not thought they were better than someone else. I believe the world would be a better place if it was not so hypocritical. Hypocrites need to quit thinking they are better than everyone else because they are just equal as you and I.


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