By: Adebayo Joshua (Josh Flames)

Born into a world unknown,
Where Earth gives birth to men,
Men to be reckoned with integrity,
Men devoted to their fatherland.

Is been practiced and perverted.
A place to be known for honesty;
Has been turned into a place of desolation.

Great men like Zik, Awo, Soyinka,
Have left legacy for us to follow,
We treaded the path of our patriotic father's,
Yet we refuse to obey the NATIONAL ANTHEM.

We are so degraded and morally biased,
Injustice and violence have spread,
Leaders we look up to
Are only there for their selfish interest

We are been pejorative as citizens,
Abiding not by the rules of the land,
When do we take a step,
Until we see the positive side.

Arise O GIANT of the soil,
To take what belongs to you,
This is your fatherland,
Awaken to mentality of truth.

We need GENERALS to set things right,
Where the altar of prayer will burn,
Where the GOSPEL will be preached,
Beyond borders of Africa,
That's my desire for us.


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