The Leader In You

Being a leader is about taking risks while being vulnerable. It is the ability to execute whilst being tolerant. It is character development and balance at its finest. Saddled with this responsibility is the one willing to put aside emotions for the sake of progression. 

However, how much can be done or fixed within the period of leadership? When saddled with the responsibility of a leader, how capable do you think you are?

 While we complain about our leaders, when given a one-day opportunity to take their place, can we carry the burdens of being 'that' leader? Of course, an intellectual mind has much to offer, yet executing your thoughts and the processes that come with it is the backbone that can make or break what you bring to the table. 

Leadership is much more than we think, and one does not need to be at the top of the tier to be a leader. The characteristics of a leader are embedded in everyone and are acquired at every stage of proper development.

 We have in us the innate ability to be selfless, except if one is clinically narcissistic, and even at that, you have the charisma to be a leader. A follower is also a leader, more like a micro-leader. Although they follow the guidance of a leader, this action in itself is what a leader would do – follow the initiative of their followers or at the very least consider it. Every individual is a leader in themselves; the platforms are just different, and as said initially, it is character development and balance at its finest. This means that every teeny little step you take to make a difference makes a leader, and this can be by picking up the trash, helping a stranger find their way, or setting up a business. Every step towards change and being a better person is a step to being a leader.

So, to answer one of the rhetorical questions, how much can be done or fixed? I’d say a lot, as a position is not all that is needed to make a difference. Change can start at any point and can go very far. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but the first brick meant the building had begun.
Although many of us wouldn’t know what it feels like to be a president, a governor, or an executive, for the one who would be clothed with the cloak of leadership, the hope is that it would brighten their minds as they get the bitter-sweet taste of power.


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