Neolife or Neocultism? Here are few things you didn't know about one of the biggest organizations on OAU Campus

Neolife Under Fire for Degrading Policies and Impact on Students' Academics

A Twitter discussion has sparked a debate about the impact of Neolife, a multilevel marketing company, on the academic lives of students at Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU).

The discussion was started by a Twitter user, @TheLateefat, who responded to a tweet asking about people's experiences with cultism on campus. She said that the real problem on OAU campus is not cultism, but Neolife/FHG.
This response drew a lot of reactions from OAU students, many of whom agreed that Neolife has a negative impact on students' academics. They said that the company's policies are degrading and inhumane, and that they pressure students to neglect their studies in order to focus on selling products.

Certain Rules and Situations some netizens say exist in Neolife Organization

▪️If you work in their office or join their activities, you must be on time and present, even if it means missing your classes.

▪️ Even though they are grown-ups, they are treated like children. Sometimes, even younger members with higher positions can punish them.

▪️People can't access their own money. The group controls their funds. For example, they might use your money to buy things like medicines or supplements, or even things you need at home.

▪️ If you want to leave the group, it can be really tough. Sometimes, they make it very hard for you. In some cases, they might take back things they gave you, like gadgets.

Some students also said that Neolife preys on freshers, who are often unaware of the company's true nature. They said that Neolife representatives often make false promises about the amount of money students can make, and that they use intimidation and manipulation to keep students in the company.

The discussion has also led to calls for the Students' Union to take action against Neolife. Some students have demanded that the union ban the company from operating on campus.

The Students' Union has said that it is aware of the concerns about Neolife, and that it is investigating the matter. The union has also said that it will consult with the Dean of Students Affairs before taking any further action.

In the meantime, students are being urged to be wary of Neolife and its representatives. They are advised to do their research before joining the company, and to be aware of the risks involved.


  1. I like this movement,let make people know the negative impact not just on OAU students but the society at large

  2. It’s neocultism. Nothing intellectual about their mode of operation

    1. What's your definition of 'intellectual'?

  3. Y'all are just talking and wasting precious time about what you know little or nothing about.. May God forgive you..Go and find something meaningful to do with your life and time, because you're clearly jobless!


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