OAU To Host Senate President, Awosika, Woli Arole And Others

Icon Mofe 

The Nigerian Economics Students' Association (NESA), OAU chapter, has announced its highly anticipated 9th Annual Economics Students' Conference, scheduled to take place on May 16th and 17th, 2023. With the overarching theme of "Prospects for Economic Growth: Increasing Youth Employability" the conference aims to provide a platform for insightful discussions and knowledge sharing among students and professionals in the field of economics.

Distinguished speakers from various sectors have been invited to share their expertise and insights at the event. Among the notable figures set to grace the conference are Prof. Bamire, the Vice Chancellor of OAU, Prof. Folorunso, Head of the Economics department at OAU, Senator Ahmad Lawan, and accomplished businesswoman and author Ibukun Awosika. Their presence is expected to contribute to the depth and diversity of discussions on economic growth and youth employability in Nigeria.

In addition to the engaging speaker sessions, attendees will have the opportunity to participate in panel discussions, an intervarsity quiz, and networking sessions. The conference also promises exciting side attractions, including raffle draws, massive giveaways, rising talent showcases, and a captivating film show.

The two-day conference will commence with an opening ceremony at NACETEM, Local Government Area, OAU, followed by subsequent sessions at Oduduwa Hall, OAU, Ile-Ife, culminating in a grand finale. The carefully curated program is designed to offer valuable insights, foster connections, and provide a conducive environment for students and professionals to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and ideas in the field of economics.

Interested individuals are encouraged to visit the official conference social media page or directly contact the organizing committee for registration and further details. 


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