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Active listening is a crucial element for building a deep connection between partners. It involves paying full attention to your partner, asking open-ended questions, and showing genuine interest in what they have to say. Active listening can improve your partner's self-esteem and strengthen the relationship.

When a person feels that their partner is not listening, it can lead to feelings of withdrawal and self-criticism. Practicing active listening can help to create a safe and accepting space for your partner to express themselves. Here are some ways to practice active listening:

Firstly, give your partner 100% of your attention. Put away distractions like phones and books, and maintain an open and relaxed posture. By giving your partner your undivided attention, you are creating intimacy.

Secondly, ask questions at intervals. Be curious, but do not pass judgment. Use open-ended questions to clarify what your partner is saying, and avoid questions that could lead to arguments.

Thirdly, do not interrupt your partner's flow of thought. Listen to what they have to say without immediately offering your own opinions. This will help to create a conversation rather than a battleground.

Lastly, be kind. If the subject is uncomfortable for your partner, show kindness and offer physical reassurance like holding their hand.

Active listening is important for both partners in a relationship. It involves paying attention to body language, listening without judgment, and showing empathy. Effective communication leads to a strong and lasting relationship. Without active listening, communication can become distorted, leading to a shorter lifespan for the relationship.


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