How To Make Risky With Shikini Money

How To Make Risky With Shikini Money

Icon Joy Ande 

Do you know how to properly make a risky burger?
"Risky burger," or "risky," as we commonly call it, is a popular meal on campus. Many people prefer to buy it, but it can also be made. Making it yourself saves you extra money. It's very economical; it doesn't require a lot of ingredients, and it is not stressful to prepare either.
Ingredients: 2 eggs, pepper, tomatoes, onion, salt, Maggi, vegetable oil, and bread (unsliced bread).

* Blend the peppers, tomatoes, and onions together. (Do not allow it to be smooth.)
  You can also grind it if you want.
* Break eggs into a bowl and whisk.
* Add the blended or grated pepper to the eggs.
* Add salt and Maggi to your discretion, and then mix thoroughly.
* Put the frying pan on fire.
* Add two spoons of vegetable oil and let it heat up enough to fry.
* Pour the egg mixture into the frying pan and fry (don't scramble the egg).
* Lower the heat (be careful if you are using a gas or hot plate so you don't burn your eggs).
* Slice the bread into two (do not slice through completely).
* Fill in the bread with the fried egg mixture.
* Take the filled in bread back to the frying pan (still on low heat) and press one of the sides with your spoon till it is brown and toasted.
* Turn the other side of the bread and repeat the same process. You should have flat bread.
Voila! Your risky burger is ready.


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