5 Tips for Your Examinations

5 Tips for Major Examinations Icon Omolayo The exam is around the corner, and there's a lot to cover with such limited time. The speed of the semester is enough to make one lose motivation to try reading at all. Regardless of all these reasons, you need to come out with a good grade. Here are some simple but pivotal tips to aid your examination experience. (1) Have a good meal. A popular Yoruba adage goes thus: "Okun inú la fín gbé tìta". It means the strength from within is what we use to carry the outside one. You need to eat healthy, not heavy. Healthy food is not in the quantity but in quality. Also, get a good night's sleep before the examination. It isn't determined by the length either but by the quality of your rested mind. (2) Find a reading style that works for you. You could be someone who studies well with a group or who works well alone. You might be a morning reader or a night reader. Don't enforce another person's r...