How To Balance Extra Curricular Activities With Academics

How To Balance Extra Curricular Activities With Academics 

Icon Zainab 

Hello Colleague,

We all understand how challenging it may be to balance our involvement in extracurricular activities and academics as students at the most prominent university, OAU. However, did you realize that you may balance them without favouring one over the other? Exams are quickly approaching, and as we are all aware, the semester is short due to the protracted strike. So, here are some suggestions for finding that balance.

Your studies should come first. While extracurriculars are important, your academics should come first. Your primary goal in the university should be to obtain a degree, so make that your top priority. Your priority is to attain the best possible learning outcomes in terms of grades. It can make sense when some claim that school is a scam, but dear friend, put forth your best effort and finish what you can.

Create a Schedule. This is just another crucial phase in the process. There is a significant difference between what is important and what is urgent, so make a calendar, list your tasks, and indicate when they need to be completed. Set priorities for your tasks to avoid saving anything crucial for last. Before organizing your other activities, make sure to schedule your time so that you can spend enough time studying.

Choose Your Extracurricular Activities Wisely. Joining every club or group on campus will take up a lot of your time, and you probably won't be interested in the majority of them. Make a sensible choice between those who will advance your success and those in whom you are interested. It is preferable to choose three or four activities at most and concentrate on them by assuming leadership roles.

Breathe Often. Don't overdo it, even though getting high marks on your examinations is a fantastic objective. It's just as harmful to study too little as it is to study too much, especially for extended periods. Take five to ten-minute breaks in between each 45 to hour-long study session. Stretch out, then have a snack to help you recover. You can stay focused and guarantee that you retain all of the information by doing this.
These tips can help you have a sweet university year on campus. But remember, schedule your time for fun in between your academics and extracurricular activities.

Till we meet again, 
Official Tee.


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