Four Possible Reasons You Have Issues With Your Siblings


Adebayo Tomi 

According to Wikipedia, The term "sibling rivalry" refers to competition or hostility between siblings, whether or not they are connected by blood. 

 It is an intense competition among siblings for recognition and the attention of their parents. In many Nigerian homes, there are siblings who seldom ever interact with one another. 

It begins when parents try to mediate sibling disputes and start to support their preferred child. The eldest is therefore often told to yield to the younger children, thereby pushing them to the side.

Four main causes of sibling rivalry.


When one sibling receives more recognition and attention from parents than the other, a problem arises.


Members of one gender may feel excluded if a certain cultural practice appears to disrespect them, and they may vent their hatred toward siblings who appear to be favoured.


Even while some friendly rivalry is good for you, jealousy in the family is never a good thing. Even as a young child, envy may exist, but as kids become older, it seems to intensify. Parents must be cautious to never encourage these emotions, recognize any possible problems, and resolve them right away. 

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Everyone requires time alone and some space. Both parents and children need to understand that it's acceptable to not be at home all the time. When kids are together all the time, it can get very chaotic solely from frustration. 

Children may develop contempt towards their parents and siblings if they are expected to jump in and assist with the younger children. When pushed into this situation, older siblings often become bossy and it can sour the relationship.

     It's important to always talk to your kids about their wants and address their needs to reduce sibling rivalry.


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