

Woken up with challenges

Challenging times of motherhood

Of it's own travail

Given to meditative times

Of labours of infants untold

yet looked down upon

Unmoved by beatings and struggles

Of inlaws that disturb

burden down with sorrows

Dragged by the world

for standing for rights

writing epistles of life

Women of courageous valor

Value what they cherish

Sharing of their pains

Society never cared

Inhumane of it's affection

to opposite gender

Labouring in times of difficulty

Happy of that which they have

Availed of much care

It's time to face reality

Women who are not segregated

From ethnic groups

Women whose voices are heard

amidst volumes of noise

taking the nation to its peak

They should never be afraid

Of bravery and defence

how their voice resonates to the world

Josh Flames


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