The secret to having a healthy skin glow


Apart from having smooth, clear skin free of pimples, black spots, and all sorts of bad skin conditions, do you know why it is very important to take care of your skin?

The end goal of taking good care of your skin is to keep it healthy. If you want to know how to achieve a healthy skin glow, make sure you read till the end.

I'm sure you have a perfect picture of what you want your skin to look like. For example, many people want smooth, pimple-free, clear skin, and a larger percentage of us want the ultimate healthy skin glow. If you truly want to achieve your skin goals, you will go through the right process. There are processes like cleansing, purifying, exfoliating, moisturizing, etc. I will write more articles to make sure you know what each process is about, the right products to choose for your skin type, and the correct routines to follow, but there's one secret I have to tell you today.

Sometimes, when you look at your face in a mirror and you don't like the dull skin staring back at you, you might shake your head and tell your friend, "This is not my original colour." It may sound amusing, but it's actually true. When you're trying to figure out why your skin has lost its "original color/complexion," you might come to the conclusion that it's due to stress. That, my friend, is a wrong assumption or conclusion. Let me tell you the truth.

Naturally, your skin undergoes a cycle every 30 days. When this happens, the upper layer of your skin sheds off and a new skin surface appears. This sounds like a cool process, right? The only problem is that when the upper layer sheds, sometimes the dead skin cells don't completely come off your skin. They can build up over time, which is when it can take a toll on your color and/or complexion. They can also clog your skin pores and cause breakouts or acne.

But, there's a very effective and timely way to avoid these skin troubles caused by dead skin cells. It is called exfoliation. Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells from your skin with a substance. This substance can be used as a face scrub. When you fail to exfoliate your face, you give room for flaky skin, dry patches, clogged skin pores, breakouts, uneven skin tone, and a dull complexion.

All these skin issues can be easily avoided with the simple process of exfoliating. If you're ready to start working on your skin and achieve your skin care goals, you need to start exfoliating. Now, your next question should be, "How do I exfoliate?"

The most common and very affordable way of exfoliating is by using a face scrub. Not just any face scrub, you need to be sure that the product doesn't contain harsh ingredients that can hurt your skin. Milk and honey scrubs are very gentle and can work wonders for your skin. In my next article, we'll talk about what comes next after exfoliation. That would be Part 2 of the secret to having a healthy skin glow. If you want to start exfoliating but don't know what you should use or where to get it from, you can always reach out to me. My contact details are below.

Don't forget, the end goal of taking care of your skin is to have healthy, glowing skin. And, every step in the skincare journey is important. Stay tuned to this blog for more articles on skincare.


Ande Joy is a skincare specialist and a campus reporter. When she's not writing, she loves doing voice-overs. You can reach her via WhatsApp through this 👉 link


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