Self Actualization (Episode 1)


EP 1

Hello friend! 

Have you ever wondered what the future holds? Or have you ever wondered what to become in the next few years? Some people still haven't figured this out yet as they are confused about life.

Yes, life can be funny and tricky but do we have to live our lives by letting it rule and direct us? No! That's why there's a need for personal growth and development which is SELF ACTUALIZATION. 

According to Abraham Maslow, a human psychologist, self actualization is the process of becoming "everything you are capable of becoming". Your motivation is based on your ability to seek fulfillment and change through personal growth. It is true that individuals strive for higher needs when the lower needs have been fulfilled or satisfied. These lower needs are the basic needs we all desire as humans and they are; food, shelter and clothing. Once this is done, we aim for something higher, like searching for love, thinking about achievements and feeling accomplished to our fulfillment in life. 

A self actualized person is someone who feels fulfilled and has accomplished all the things they are capable of accomplishing in their life through  personal growth and peak experiences. The ability to reach self actualization is based on your success story. And, as humans we have basic needs for personal growth and development through our lives. By accomplishing self actualization, you are able to find meaning and purpose in your life. 

What are the basics of a self actualized person? 

📌Discover your potentials

📌Taking responsibilities and working hard.

📌Staying true to yourself 

📌 Being problem centered (not self centered)

📌Having ethical standards.

Avoid pretence

With these few basics, you can find your path and discover your own purpose. I will discuss more on this topic in the next episode. See you next week. 

Till then, stay jiggy.

© Adewale Zainab


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