Help! I'm addicted to my phone


In the 21st century, there is an addiction that seems to be prevalent, especially with the influx of technological development. It is not often recognized as an addiction, but scientific research has proven that the same component is released during every addictive indulgence. It is called the neurotransmitter dopamine released into the nucleus accumbens. Neuroscientists call that region of the brain the pleasure center. If phone usage gives you acute pleasure, you might be caught up in this web.

The latin meaning of addiction, which is "enslaved by" or "bound by", further emphasizes how several people are addicted to their phones unknowingly. Patiently observe your response to the following questions: 

Do you often have trouble completing tasks at work, school or home?

 Do people complain bitterly about your absent mindedness in social gatherings? 

Do you feel anxious or restless when your phone is inaccessible? This is referred to as Nomaphobia: "the fear of being away from cellular phone contact".

Do you have your alarm telling you when to do everything in your life?

Do you sleep with your phone or even lose sleep due to phone use? For some people, it's the first thing they check in the morning and the last thing at night.

Do you look at your phone or text during dangerous or inappropriate situations like, when driving or when crossing the streets?

Do you bump into walls, fall into holes or kick a stone while using your phone on the road?

Do you miss parts of conversations?  Is "Come again...i didn't get that", your cliche line? It is bad etiquette to text while having a conversation with others.

You are probably amazed at how many boxes you ticked 'yes' in the above questionnaire. No worries, relax! There are remedies, which you have to take deliberate steps to fulfilling. The following are tips to stop indulging in phone addiction:

1) Create a time frame for phone usage and try not to exceed it.

You have to be intentional about your phone usage by creating a schedule list or better still, tell close friends or family to keep a tab on your phone usage. 

2) Turning off your read receipts will help you reduce the pressure to respond to messages immediately they pop up. This doesn't mean you are ignoring people or being a snub. Respond appropriately but, at a time placed in your schedule. For business owners, you won't miss any order and at the same time, you won't be distracted.

3) Keep your phone at a distance when sleeping. If you truly want to help yourself, you have to  adhere to this. Your phone doesn't have to be your clock or alarm device. Get those. 

Develop or find other satisfying hobbies like, writing, cooking, painting, bird watching, reading novels etc. You'll find out there are more enjoyable things to do than using phones.

None of the above remedies can be implemented until you admit you have a problem. Smart phone usage has taken over people's lives. The productivity of many people are also being affected. Phone addiction is also a malignant to relationships, personal development, sleep, peace of mind and so much more. The earlier you conquer it, the better.

©Olufayo Omolayo

I.G: @Unique_Layo1



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