Ever stopped to wonder what reason you were placed on planet earth for? Several people cannot pinpoint the reason for their existence. This often affects their dispositions in life. They are mediocre and aimless when tasks are given to them. A popular saying goes thus, "when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable". Inability to discover your purpose early affects important choices in life including course of study, career path, future partner, location and so on. I hope you discover your purpose through the following pointers: 

(1) Your Passion and affections: When you find something you do that you are enthusiastic about and doesn't make you fizzle out in strength no matter how strenuous, that means that is your passion. In history, men who have changed the course of the world are men who were passionate about something. What are you passionate about? What excites you?

(2) Your Potentials: While some potentials are inherent abilities, some are developed. When you become very deliberate about it, you can harness your full potential. What is that innate ability that you have in you? Pay attention to them because they are pointing you to your purpose. It could be something you find very easy to do. Could it be cooking, sewing, singing, computer operation, talking, writing, painting, etc?

(3) Revelations: "I have a dream...", a saying by Martin Luther King Jr, is an example of how your dreams and visions are sentimental to your purpose. Your thought patterns and mindset could also be a pointer. Don't you know your life reflects your thinking pattern? A positive mindset is a pointer to a solution-providing purpose, likewise a negative mindset is a pointer to a problem-discovering purpose. Every force in the universe, negative or positive, is for a particular purpose. Both need each other to be balanced.

(4) Your Problem solving inclinations: Problems that you are confident to solve, are pointing you to something. These are problems you identify that often disturb you. Others seem to be fine with it, but it makes you uncomfortable. We also discover purpose from burdens. A man called Isaac Newton invented the light bulb as a result of a problem of darkness. Ask yourself the problem that is often glaring to you and how you intend to solve it.

(5) What you are willing to die for: It is a major pointer to your purpose. If it is not worth dying for, then it is not worth living for. 'Only dead men make living impacts' is a common creed for activists.Some people would rather die than watch a fellow man's right being trampled upon. Injustice, rape, domestic violence, child labour, human trafficking and many other vices make you cringe so much that you can do anything to find a solution. It could be pointing you to a leadership position, a career path (for instance, law), a particular location, etc.

These pointers and more may challenge you to question your motives, goals and aspirations. Let this meditation have a free flow. At the end of the day, your purpose will help you find fulfilment in life. 


Instagram: @Unique_Layo1


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