Saying ‘thank you’ is just a simple and quick way to show appreciation and gratitude for a kindness shown. Thank you goes a long way in establishing a good first-time impression and long-lasting relationship with people. Although, some people might be too humble to say this, but there is a sense of satisfaction and contentment people get when they hear the words ‘thank you’ after showing an act of kindness.

Many people underestimate the potency of the statement ‘Thank you’ and through this they have deprive themselves of forthcoming kindness. In this world, appreciation and gratitude is a reason to do more ungrudgingly. However, As the popular Yoruba adage says, “anyone who appreciates will definitely receive the forthcoming ones”

The funny thing about this is that it respects no boundaries. Whatever relationship you may have with someone, they expect to be appreciated when they do something nice. Parents want their children saying thank you when they buy them gifts or when they pay their fees.

Appreciating someone for showing forth kindness should not be undermined so as to receive more and present one as a person of integrity. Thank you is a statement of gratitude that shows some levels of integrity. Showing gratitude should not be weighted by how much kindness is done but by the fact that an act of kindness is done. Afterall, nobody actually owes nobody anything.


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