“We won't hold a second congress” - FM Castro, Chairman Electoral Commission

 By Miracle Elvis 

The chairman of the Student Union  electoral commission, FM Castro has made it clear that there will be no second Congress despite the inconclusiveness of last Congress.

When questioned on the situation of the previously held Student Union Congress, the Chairman, inferred that no conclusion was made on any matter at the Congress. 

"We were there, we saw the chaos and it was getting late.” he said “we were not able to reach a consensus on any issue."

Subsequently, the commission may be refered to as the 'firsts' as this is the first time student government practices has commenced since proscription four years ago - first Congress, first press conference etc. However, it should be noted too that this is the first time all inferences will be left to the mercies of the electoral commission as there will be no second Congress to fill the lapses had in the first. FM Castro made this clear in his statement on Sunday, 

"We will not be holding a second Congress despite what happened at the first one."


He told pressmen the commission plans to achieve credibility since there will be popular participation. 

“Of course there is popular participation. The deliberation and conclusions will be made amongst the members of the electoral commission.”

Opining that the members of the electoral commission are individual representative of each faculty, whatever is decided amongst them is still the public's opinion. 

He further stated that it is a resolution that was made since there was no time. 


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