The act of 'whistleblowing' means just what it is, whistle and blowing. Why do we blow whistle? We blow a whistle simply to call attention. On this note, we would describe the act of 'whistleblowing' as the drawing the attention of a public figure, an authority, disciplinary committee, or the general public towards an ill-behaviour, corruption, harassment, illegal and illicit behaviors of an individual, a colleague, an organization, a public establishment and so on.

The act of whistle blowing has gone a long way in keeping many officials in the right path. The realisation that there is an eagle eye somewhere, monitoring their activities unseen has stopped many from engaging in corruption. This shows how much impact whistleblowing has in the society today. Not just this, many people have become more cautious and more deliver in executing their works.

Whistleblowers, who are the agents of this great change go through a lot for telling what they see or know. Their colleagues see them as 'snitches' and often regard them as betrayals. Many whistleblowers stand the risk of loosing their jobs, blacklisting and sometimes, threat to their life and families. These reasons have stopped many people from reporting what they have seen and hereby promote the already decreasing rate of corruption, illegal activities and harrasments . Although, government agencies and NGOs are doing a lot to protect whistleblowers, we need more efforts should be put in place to secure the whistleblowers' jobs, lives and esteem.


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