One attribute of humans that is very essential to their livelihood and survival is movement. Nobody likes to be confined or restricted. However, most people are confined to their houses and many people have found it difficult to move from one place to another especially, the ones that cant afford a ride of their own. The hike in transport fare these days have posed a serious threat to the mobility of many.

           Waking up in the morning refreshed, you prepare for school. Once you are done, its time to hop on a bus and you check your wallet to realize you have just #150 left. Omo! my last 150 can't even take me successfully into campus! That before could go three times! E choke”

  The excerpt above is a situation we have all experienced as students on OAU campus who enter school through public transport. Now, the issue of transport fare hike affects every student whose transportation medium is the public bus. For students who were home throughout the pandemic and resuming back to school this year to meet double the price of what used to be the price before has been a matter of concern to the students.

 An average student commuting through bus formerly spends #300 per week to campus gate, now it's #500. Going to town used to be #500 per week, now the least is #800, if not careful #1000 as those drivers deliberately or unintentionally do not want to release the #20 change. Months later, some of the factor that influenced the inflation have been downplayed and yet the price remains. Imagine the hike in fee, from #500 - #1000! WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO GREAT IFE?

Is this how buses will become #50/#80 permanently? Even when they start to carry full passengers?

The cost of food and basic amenities are enough for us already. Not transport fare again! 

Are we just going to be indifferent about the hike in transport fare for buses or rise up to challenge the status quo to review the issues concerning the welfarism of the students?

The same way the school authorities regulated the bike fare with an official price list, one should also be released as regards the bus fare to ease the burden of transport fare on students pockets. Likewise, bringing back the OAU Marco polo buses which will be relatively cheaper compared to the ‘town-gboro’ people is one important factor that should be considered. It is also going to be of great impact if the student with the help of the incoming student union excos relay our concerns to the school authorities who in turn will help proffer solution this problem.


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