I remember,
that cold chamber of lust,
that made me covered in rust.
I remember that cold night- evergreen.

The night I lost my voice,
The hour my eyes let tears dance down freely,
the minute my lungs failed to help me breathe, 
the second I inhaled his smell of bestiality.

I lost my soul- without strength.
My clothes in shreds,
My body in pieces,
My life just as wilted petals of flowers.

The night I lost what made me feel whole,
The night I lost what I cherished,
The night I felt the weakest,
The night I had the urge to kill.
This night I smelt death, saw death, everything seemed to have the colour of death and the sounds around followed me with scorn- death's mocking laughter. Pity's sneer.

He came,
He tasted,
He ate like a hyena,
Grunted like a lion, howled like a wolf,
Left me like a vulture.
I'm spread naked, all open, pain stinging, like a slain sheep in its own blood.

My thoughts couldn't comfort me,
My feet wouldn't respond.
Only my eyes knew I was too empty to cry more.

Give me a chance to kill,
For his death will make me heal,
I have no strength to go down this hill,
But I have the strength to throw you off this hill.

Stigma abound,
Pity afloat,
Emptiness within,
Rejection is all I see.

Eyes wandering over me, make me recall the night
a beast looked at me with savageness- a desire that ignited him- which killed me.
For that night I was a lamb, a weak knight that couldn't defend my castle.

Melody F. Samuel


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