COVID-19: Apple and Google New Api Update

By Melody Samuel

Probably, you opened your social media handle and you got to see messages and post warning you that Apple and Google have suddenly and stealthily installed a Covid-19 tracking app to phones and you should check yours then this means you aren't alone.

Neither Google nor Apple uploaded an app to your smartphone without your permission; no stealthy and automatic tracking app has been installed. It is true that there's a new entry at the top of the Google settings on android smartphones that States *"covid-19 exposure notifications."* This doesn't mean an app has been installed, if you were to click on that entry it will take you to a screen that tells you to finish setting a particular app to activate the exposure notifications.

Apple and Google published a joint statement about this back on May 20th
"what we've built is not an app- rather public health agencies will incorporate the API into their apps that people install. Our technology is designed to make these apps work better"

This new update to your phone settings doesn't call for alarm, this update to your Android and iOS is the Application Programming Interface (API). It's a framework within your phone operating system that will allow an app with a function of tracking people reported to have contracted covid-19 to work and if you feel comfortable with this, you can activate it. This will help you know who is infected and to be able to keep a good distance.


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