By: Ogunjobi Bright and Awowoyin Praise

Hmmm… does true love truly exist? If yes, why do you think it truly exist?
     These are different opinions on the aforementioned questions.

 True love doesn’t exist because the world is full of evil and human can’t trust each other any longer. Love in the present world.
                                      – A guy’s perspective
True love really exists. As long as marriage is concerned, you can only be married to the person you are attracted to.
                                      – A guy’s perspective
True love really exists if the understanding of the love of God is in place. No true love exists outside God.
                                       –A lady’s perspective

True love really exists. Also, it will be unfair to say that true love doesn’t exist because of individual experience about love
                                         –A lady’s perspective
True love really exists. Some persons can die for the sake of love and individuals can express love as a result of the attraction they have towards each other
                                        –A lady’s perspective
 True love only exists in books. All effort to bring it into reality has always been futile
                                         –A lady’s perspective


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