By: Ogunjobi Bright and Awowoyin Praise

            Have you ever wondered how it feels to be with the one you love?
            Have you ever wondered how it feels to be with the one person that makes you     happy?
            Have you ever wondered what joy of being with the right person is?
           Guess what? We will be taking you through a tour of diverse opinions of this         wonderful experience.

                   1.  Peace of Mind
            Being with the right person gives me a lot of peace and makes me settled.             Although, I may not have the time for hangout such as lunch, dinner and so on but will   definitely be available for her and be attentive when she speaks.
                                            —  A guy’s perspective
                   2.  The joy of being with the right person gives me a feeling that intoxicates.
            The feeling of always longing to see and want to be with this one person, always wanting to please him and happy to be with him. There is a connection of the mind with him. For instance, when you are longing to call this person and as you are about to call him, his call comes in.
                                            — A lady’s perspective
                     3.  Joy in my heart
              You break principles because of this one person. You feel naughty around him and feel too comfortable. For instance, you don’t mind the way you eat and forget the principles of being a lady.
                                            — A lady’s perspective
                    4.   I feel good; I feel nice
              Being with the right person is cool, there is no insecurity, the future can be foreseen because this right person is part of the future. No need to worry because you have a shoulder to rely on physically, financially, emotionally, spiritually, and even academically.
                                            — A guy's perspective

                     5.  You feel fulfilled because two equal halves have met together to become one.
                                            — A guy’s perspective
                      6.  Your “mumu” button becomes eventually activated
                                            — A guy’s perspective
                       7.  It is heaven on earth
                It makes me feel magical. It makes me feel I’ve gotten to my final destination. He is my best friend who knows me inside out. He makes me proud of myself, confident and always there to cheer me up likewise interested in bringing the best out of me.
                                            — A lady’s perspective
                        8.  A right person will change your perspective from a lot of things 
              Your orientation about life will change. She makes me smile often and she’s also my best friend. This right person can come like a whirlwind that ruptures your normal system of relationship. When your friends, families and loved ones are gone, this one person will be there with you.
                                            — A guy’s perspective


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