OAU students says no to sudden inflation of transport fare

By Akinade Israel

As it is well known that Obafemi Awolowo University 43rd annual convocation commence  today, 12th of December, 2018.

The students of the University who reside in town declined to pay the inflated money by the bus drivers.

It all happened in Mayfair when the  bus drivers of the popular "tan gboro" buses demanded #100 from the students instead of the normal and agreed #50 as payment for transportating them from town to OAU's campus.

The drivers claimed that there is traffic jam on campus due to the convocation. In that case, they all agreed to inflate transportation prices till the end of the convocation.

The students in their ever articulate fashion showed rights by not boarding any bus for #100 but #50. One of the students exclaimed and urged all the students not to pay such price.

Mr Biodun of the department of physical and health education(PHE) says "this is not the first time OAU is having convocation, at least, this is the 43rd of it. That we don't have student union does not mean we should be treated anyhow".

A call was put through to the Chairman of Fajuyi Hall, Mr Easyman, and he says " let all the students calm down, Marcopolo will be available soon to convey everyone".

After a lot of struggling and arguments, some drivers later decide to convey students for #50 while some remain adamant.

On putting a call to the CSO of the school, immediate action was taken place. Students were told to enter any bus that wants to carry them for #100 that necessary action will be taken over such driver. This made the security to be asking the students the amount of money they board the bus on getting to the school gate.

At the end, students were conveyed into the school premises with the aid of CSO intervention. And #50  was paid by the students to the bus drivers for the service they rendered.

Reported By:
Akinade Israel


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