I want to play an active role in building a better FESSU _ Akomolafe Jide (Aare of peace)

In an interview with the presidential candidate for the post of president for the Federation of Ekiti  State Students Union,  he asserted his goals for contesting.

*Cyrus:* Can we meet you?
*Aare of peace:* I'm Akomolafe Jide-Petkoff by name, fondly called Aare of Peace.
I am a Part 3 student of the Department of Critical Thinking which is popularly addressed as Philosophy, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Osun State, Nigeria.
An Igede Ekiti indigene of Irepodun/Ifelodun Local Government Area, Ekiti State.
An aspirant hopeful that I will be elected as 2018 National President of Federation of Ekiti State Students' Union
*Cyrus:* Let me start from your name,  why do people call you Aare of peace?
*Aare of peace:* The name Aare of Peace is a historical name but I will be succinct.
Hmm, I contested for Igede Ekiti Students' Union National Presidency in year 2015 and from all indications before the election was disrupted by some unknown persons, winning was certain.
The disruption of the election caused chaos in my community then which caught the attention of the King and relevant stakeholders of the town.
I as an aspirant and my opponent was invited to a reconciliation meeting and way forwards by the Oba-in-Council as represented by the then Igede-Heritage Progressive Association National President and other important stakeholders of the Union.
After series of consultations and discussion, I stepped down my ambition for peace to reign.
My supporters were annoyed but I had to calm them and lead them to the swearing in ceremony personally.
Prior to this, some persons started calling me Agent of Peace, some Ambassador of Peace, some Aare Alaafia, some Aare of Peace but I found the Aare of Peace has the most suitable and thus, adopted it as my political name.
So people gave it to me.. Smiles
*Cyrus:* How did you imbibe the spirit of unionism to the extense of contesting for the Apex post of president?
*Aare of Peace :*  I have been in students' unionism for over six years, as a matter of fact I had my first elective position as a Town Senator representing my Hometown at the Local Government Students' Union in 2014.
If Unionism was to be an enterprise I have served as his driver, messenger and Chief servant.
Recently, that's on 1st April, 2018 I handed over as National President of Igede Ekiti Students' Union.
I have imbibe the spirit of Unionism all along well given various positions I have served. If I should start recounting leadership position I have held in the Union, it is over 15 that is to tell anyone out there that I am not a newcomer to unionism particularly FESSU National.
I am not an opportunist who sees FESSU NATIONAL Presidency as a position to compensate myself but I have seen apex position of Presidency as a position of call to service.
I am running on a well built personality and good human inter personal relationship which I have built.
*Cyrus:* Ok
*Cyrus:* In all this your commitments, can you tell us some of your past achievements succinctly?
*Aare of peace:* I have always tried making impacts in positions I hold, that's why when I list my achievements, people will always see something like first of its kind.
When I had my first elective position in Union as a Senator then, I wondered why our Students' Union legislators don't think about having a life impacting program as a means of giving back to the forces that sent them there. Then, I organized a life impacting program for students of my constituency with major focus on those secondary school students. We had that program on February 15th 2015 and it was the first of its kind in our Local government students union and even in my town.
As Igede Ekiti Students' Union National President, I was able to facilitate disbursement of bursary awards to over 120students; 25 beneficiaries benefitted from a bursary scheme which is 100% more than the State Government's bursary.
There are still other achievements but your request of being succinct will make me stop here.. Smiles
*Cyrus:* It is well understood that  FESSU  national body is a minute association,  what prompted you to go for that enormous post... As in the whole post of president
*Aare of peace:* Smiles... Let me quickly correct a notion that FESSU National is a minute association, it is the National body of the over one million Ekiti State students both at home and diaspora.
Yeah, to your question... Senators, students have been asking me that question, so Press too will ask me... Smiles.
It is humbly to inform you that why Aare of Peace is contesting cannot be disconnected from the reason that:
*"I want to play an active role in building a better Federation of Ekiti State Students' Union."*
*Aare of peace*: In the best traditions of our Union, I am determined to set things right, restoring the vital center. The problem of communication network has affected active participation of our various chapters, a well restructured FESSU National with coordinating axis will be restored by me as I will definitely replace outmoded ideologies with a new vision anchored in basic, enduring values: opportunity for all, responsibility from all, a National President of all Ekiti Students.
*Aare of peace :*  When I said I want to play an active role in building a better FESSU National, I mean it.
I want to be the FESSU National President who puts our Union back at the heart of all students. This will see us going back to basics. Getting the simple things right that really matters to students and taking us to core of what our UNION was founded on; getting every students a quality education. This will see my Presidency and National Leadership agitating for more educational benefits for teeming Ekiti students.
*Cyrus:* Hmm...  There's a rumor going around that you are not a student at all, what do you say concerning that?
*Aare of peace* : It is very funny when I hear people spreading rumors against a fellow aspirant. Our campaigns should be devoid of attacks, this thing for crying loud sake is not do or die.
Someone said something the last time I wrote against one of their propaganda, he said someone above you will never spread propaganda against you it is only someone below you trying to attain what you have that will try such.
Let me state it categorically, that I am a Part three student of Department of Philosophy, Obafemi Awolowo University,  Ile Ife.
Will the Head of Department of Philosophy or the Division of Students'  Affairs sign my form for me if I am not a student.
Where they are mixing it up is that they might have presumably thought that when I contested for FESSU National General Secretary I was in Part three but surprisingly, I contested as a Part One student then.
The Electoral Commission will definitely verify the credentials I submitted with my election nomination form.
*Aare of peace* :To an extent I  can say I am prepared for a free and fair election devoid of any tactical manipulation.
I have a confidence which is rooted in God and trust in the distinguished Senators that I will emerge Insha Allah.
I can boldly assert that I have communicated with everyone concerned and I am optimistic that they will take the wise decision.
There is no better auspicious time than now to make our Union continuously great. Together, we shall rebrand and make FESSU National great.
*Cyrus*: Do you have any other comment to make?
: Thanks for your time so far Mr Aare of Peace
*Aare of peace* : Most definitely, I have and it centers on aspirants spreading propaganda that I am the anointed candidate of the State Government endorsed through the outgoing National President.
Let it be noted that I am a student of the prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife and my unionism ideology has been rooted in the Great ideological belief.
My ambition has not planned by any leader, I am a product of my thoughts not any leader.
It is expected just like any other aspirant that I make consultations and seek for support.
I am not an anointed candidate which ambition was stage planned, I have been the architect of my ambition.
I humbly solicit for the support of the Senators, it is humbly to expect them to support
They should believe in actions and not words. This is why I don't promise much but I can assure them that they won't regret supporting me.
That's is an assurance.
That's is a pledge.
*Aare of peace*  : I really appreciate the wonderful moment with you Sir


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