How Poor Waste Management Has Constantly Been Affecting Fajuyi Hall Occupants

By Adetunji Oluwafemi 
Adekunle Fajuyi Hall of Residence, often referred to as Faj Hall, is one of the four male undergraduate halls of residence at OAU. According to history, the construction of halls of residence at OAU began in 1964, and Faj Hall, named after Francis Adekunle Fajuyi, a Nigerian soldier of Yoruba origin and the first Military Governor of the former Western Region of Nigeria, was among them.

However, Fajuyi Hall, over the years, has been tagged as the "dirtiest" hostel by residents of the hall and other students. This is a result of the dilapidated state of the buildings, the dirty and bushy environment, broken waste pipes, bad toilets, among others.

In a recent survey of the hall by the Icons Organization's reporter, it was discovered that some areas in the hall do not look too good. Stagnant water, an ominous smell, and tons of refuse were spotted in different places within the hall on Wednesday, January 15, 2025.

The most affected area is Block 3, where different refuse is dumped at the back of the hall by both residents and cleaners. This has led to the blockage of the gutter and hinders the flow of water, which initiates an ominous smell that may be hazardous to the health of the residents of the block, especially those who live on the ground floor of Block 3, which is in close proximity to the blocked gutter itself. 

As of Saturday, 18th January 2025, when another survey was carried out in the hall, it was discovered that the bad smell emanating from the blocked gutter has been suppressed to some extent.
Residents React
In an interview with Bayo, a resident of Faj Hall, Block 3, he expressed his frustration over the unpleasant odors that emanate from the blocked gutter, saying, "The smell is somewhat suppressed at the moment because the sun is bright. However, when the sun sets in the evening, the odors in the room become unbearable. It is funny how my roommates and I are forced to use nose masks inside the room, even as we engage in other activities or try to sleep." He further stated that the residents of Block 3 (ground floor) cannot even step out of their rooms to catch fresh air on the balcony, like others do.

Korede, another resident, stated in a conversation with Icons correspondence that the only way he and his roommate are coping is through the use of the "electric fan" owned by one of them. The fan allows them to breathe freely. The only time they notice the unpleasant odors is during a power outage when they are unable to use the fan.

Another resident from Block 2, Okunola, shares his experience and how he has been coping with the dirty environment of Fajuyi Hall. He says that the hall environment has always been like this, and it gets worse particularly during the rainy season. One way this can be improved is if the management lays down rules compelling all residents to pick up the litter in their environment once every two weeks. He further added that he has been doing this on his own in his room and has been encouraging residents of other rooms to emulate his actions. The process could be effective with the support of the hall management when they implement it.

The bad smells were suppressed by the efforts of the hall management - Porter 
Reacting to the issues, one of the porters in the hall said that the bad scents emanating from Block 3 were not suppressed by the sunlight; rather, they were the result of the efforts of the hall management in addressing them. The stagnant water had been removed, with the aid of clearing out all the nylons and other refuse present there.

The only dirty items noticeable in the hall at the time of gathering this report are the refuse, and the bad smell has been suppressed.


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